after confession, i went over to the vatican city post office. since they are their own sovereign nation, they have their own postal system. so i bought a post card to send to "Post Secret" to anonymously share one of my secrets with the world. as i gave the postcard a final push into its little yellow post box, i sighed deeply...and tried not to fall in myself. why do they put those so high up? you would think the city of God would have made more thoughtful allowances for people of all sizes. maybe i should have sent a postcard directly to the Pope saying so.

so a metro trip back to the center of rome led me to the colosseum. it was fantastic to see the tunnels where they used to lead the animals and gladiators around before bringing them up to the center of the arena for battle. there were some guys dressed up as gladiators outside of the colosseum who you could take your picture with...for 5 euros. i said, "5 euros! i'm a gnome! you should be paying me 5 euros to have your picture taken with me." they didn't really appreciate my comment and threatened me with their fake swords and suits of armor. seeing as how i am not as young as i used to be, i decided against a roman street fight and headed back to the hostel. next time though, i'll kick their fake gladiator butts...

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